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LMU Munich




Bachelor level:

Basics of Ecology, Behavioral Biology and Evolutionary Biology 19063, 19064


Master level:

Experimental Behavioral Ecology 19334

Evolutionary Ecology Lecture 19403

Contemporary Questions in Behavioral Ecology 19425

Grant Writing 19431

Evolutionary Ecology Seminar and Discussion III 19433






Bryce Ahn (MSc Thesis) Parental personality's effect on chick body condition in two passerine species


Milena Pröbstle (BSc Thesis) Influence of tick infestation on multiple behavior traits of blue and great tits


Marleen Walters (BSc Thesis) The effects of female body metrics on clutch size in blue and great tits





University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


Bachelor level:

Intro to Organismal and Evolutionary Biology (IB150)

Ornithology (IB461)

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